Time Anambas:

Our Climate

Whilst climate change seems to be taking place is our region also, the Anambas islands still mostly come under the Northeast / Southwest weather pattern. As the names imply, our prevailing winds tend to come from these two main directions, though there's a fair degree of variability during the inter-monsoon months.

Sunny skies and calm waters prevail March - November
Sunny skies and calm waters March - November


The best time to visit our islands is the SW season. This starts in March and lasts until about November. The weather during this season is fair and sunny. Average daily temperatures vary from 25-30 degrees. Nice and toasty. We're tropical islands after all.

Better yet, as a result of our offshore location, most days we're blessed with a nice cooling breeze. In fact, if you're into windsurfing, foiling or kiteboarding, it's good to know that Anambas gets windy spells quite frequently, with winds at times exceeding 20 knots for a week non-stop.

Ideal for beach recreation and water sports
Ideal for beach recreation and water sports

Still, our default wind setting throughout the SW seems to be about 12 knots thereabouts. Ideal for water sports and other outdoor recreation.


Do note that Anambas lies in the so-called Sumatra Squall Zone, which means that we do get the occasional afternoon thunderstorm blowing in, typically with a period of showers. The good news is that they hardly ever last long, usually leaving a clear sunny day in their wake within an hour or so.


The NE season is characterized by wet blustery conditions, at least in December. By January, things tend to improve precipitation-wise, leaving the strong northeasterlies to wreak their usual ferry havoc. The reason is that wave-height increases commensurately with wind, courtesy of the long fetch between our islands and the far north of the South China Sea, the source of our wind this time of the year.

Gloomy, wet and windy December - January
Gloomy, wet and windy December - January

That said, if you prefer to sail in rugged conditions and strong winds of, at times, up to 25-30 knots, January/February might just be the best time to head to Anambas for you.

Either way, never a dull moment in Anambas :)

If you have any questions, about the weather in Anambas, just let us know here.

Pulau Akar - Channel your inner Robinson Crusoe :)